
Ericvale Inflorescence


Spring 2014 Gunnera

 Having spent the last few hours wondering how I would capture the exuberance of the garden happenings at Ericvale, I think that really  nothing captures the ethusiasm with which this garden is embracing the warm early spring days here than the magnificent Gunnera which, after a long winter dormancy,  is resuming its pride of place at the start of the Garden Walk.

 Tim explains that the strikingly huge pineapple-like flower emerging from the centre of the plant is its Inflorescence -the flowering cluster , consisting of thousand of little flowers.

This gets me thinking about how figuratively, the inflorescence so aptly also describes the abundance of flowers evident everywhere here at the home of Tasmanian Gourmet Sauce Company.

Here are some photo’s of today’s walk around Ericvale I thought you may enjoy, and I hope these convey some of my excitement while walking around this special place.

Spring 2014 azaleas red

Azaleas sillhouetted against the backdrop of the neighbouring paddock.

Spring 2014 Clematis

Clematis, climbing the telephone pole!


Spring 2014 yellow rose


Early butter-yellow roses.


 Spring 2014 whitetop

I never thought I’d say this, but the MUCH LOVED BLACKBIRD, “White Top”,

now enjoying her third spring here at Ericvale,

and proudly boasting the birth of another three fledglings – oh joy, lol!

 Till next – enjoy! (Laurie)




